Retirement Aggregator V1 Contract Guide

Backend contracts for consuming tokenized carbon credits



The Polygon mainnet master contract for V1 of the Retirement aggregator is deployed to 0xEde3bd57a04960E6469B70B4863cE1c9d9363Cb8

Due to the reliance on third party contracts and liquidity pairs on AMMs, it is suggested to test integrations using a forked Polygon mainnet environment. Commonly used tools for this are Hardhat or Foundry.

State Variables

Addresses common across the product are stored in the master contract:

Mappings used to flag and track different tokens and addresses:

  • isPoolToken: address => bool returning whether a pool token address has been added to the master contract.

  • poolBridge: address => uint returning which index number related to the bridge that a pool uses.

  • bridgeHelper: uint => address returning the address of the specific helper contract for the given bridge index.


AddressUpdated(uint, address, address)

  • uint addressIndex (found in setAddress)

  • address oldAddress

  • address newAddress


  • address poolToken

  • uint bridge


  • address poolToken

BridgeHelperUpdated(uint, address)

  • uint bridgeID

  • address helper


Common parameters for retireCarbon functions:




The contract address of the source token being used to retire.



The contract address of the pool token being used to retire.



Either the amount of pool tokens to retire or the amount of source tokens to use. See _amountInCarbon. Expected values are in the number of decimals for the used token.



This flags whether the amount being passed is in carbon to retire (true) or total source tokens to spend (false).



The address of the account receiving the benefit of retirement.



A string representation of the beneficiary. Useful for specifying a company or protocol name in a readable format.



Represents a specific message related to this retirement transaction. Example being "Retirement for 2022 Q1 travel."


Transfers and uses tokens from caller's wallet to swap to the pool if needed and then retire the pool tokens.

function retireCarbon(
        address _sourceToken,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount,
        bool _amountInCarbon,
        address _beneficiaryAddress,
        string memory _beneficiaryString,
        string memory _retirementMessage
    ) publicid


Same function as retireCarbon, but does not initiate the transfer of the source tokens to the aggregator. Source tokens must be transferred prior to calling retireCarbonFrom.

  • Additional parameter:

    • address _initiator: Address where any trade dust should be returned.

function retireCarbonFrom(
        address _initiator,
        address _sourceToken,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount,
        bool _amountInCarbon,
        address _beneficiaryAddress,
        string memory _beneficiaryString,
        string memory _retirementMessage
    ) public


Allows a user to specify the underlying offset they choose to retire. This action is subject to any fees imposed by a bridge for the selective redemption of a pool token.

  • Additional parameter:

    • address[] _carbonList: Array of addresses used to redeem pool tokens in order.

function retireCarbonSpecific(
        address _sourceToken,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount,
        bool _amountInCarbon,
        address _beneficiaryAddress,
        string memory _beneficiaryString,
        string memory _retirementMessage,
        address[] memory _carbonList
    ) public


Similar to retireCarbonFrom, this operates the same way and allows a caller to transfer the needed source tokens to the aggregator prior to calling for specific retirement.

  • Additional parameters:

    • address[] _carbonList: Array of addresses used to redeem pool tokens in order.

    • address _initiator: Address where any trade dust should be returned.

function retireCarbonSpecificFrom(
        address _initiator,
        address _sourceToken,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount,
        bool _amountInCarbon,
        address _beneficiaryAddress,
        string memory _beneficiaryString,
        string memory _retirementMessage,
        address[] memory _carbonList
    ) public


This function calls the specific bridge helper for the supplied pool token and returns both the source and carbon amounts. Parameters are the same as if you were going to use a retireCarbon function call.

function getSourceAmount(
        address _sourceToken,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount,
        bool _amountInCarbon
    ) public view returns (uint256, uint256)

Return Values:

  • uint256 sourceAmount: The total amount of source tokens needed.

  • uint256 carbonAmount: The total amount of carbon tokens needed or used.


This function does the same thing as getSourceAmount, but also factors in any pool redemption fees incurred by performing a selective retirement.

function getSourceAmountSpecific(
        address _sourceToken,
        address _poolToken,
        uint256 _amount,
        bool _amountInCarbon
    ) public view returns (uint256, uint256)

Return Values:

  • uint256 sourceAmount: The total amount of source tokens needed.

  • uint256 carbonAmount: The total amount of carbon tokens needed or used.

Last updated